Playing with a noisemaker called “funcsyn” that I made in Plogue’s Bidule. If you’re a Bidule user as well, you can get funcsyn from the Bidule page here. The Bidule project file is available at my patchstorage page.

Noise Therapy: Session 067

Playing with a noisemaker called “funcsyn” that I made in Plogue’s Bidule (link below). If you’re a Bidule user as well, you can get funcsyn from the FSA website. The Bidule project file is available here: Thanks for listening/watching!

Ambient soundscape made with filtered noise, delays, and feedback. This is a second take on the previously-posted “Synthtember 28” patch, which was done in Cardinal, while this is in regular VCV Rack.

Noise Therapy: Session 065

Playing with filtered noise, delays, and feedback. VCV patch available here: Thanks for listening/watching!

Patch available here.

This one comes from a hardware “no-input mixing” setup involving an old (70’s) Tapco live sound mixer and a Boss BF-3 flanger pedal. Additional effects from a Yamaha EMP700.

Noise Therapy: Session 061

This one comes from a hardware “no-input mixing” setup involving an old (70’s) Tapco live sound mixer and a Boss BF-3 flanger pedal. Additional effects from a Yamaha EMP700. Thanks for listening/watching!

Going for some drone this time around. Main sound source here is trowaSoft’s multiWave oscillator.

Noise Therapy: Session 060

Going for some drone this time around. Main sound sound source here is trowaSoft’s multiWave oscillator: VCV patch available here: Thanks for listening/watching!

VCV patch is available here or at my patchstorage page.

This started out as just testing whether feedback routing is possible in Carla (it is), and ended up as a bit of fun virtual knob-twiddling. Uses LV2 and VST plugins from the following developers:

Steve Harris
Guitarix Team

All of these plugins and the Carla host program are available from the KX Studio repositories.

Noise On Linux: No-input Mixing in Carla

This started out as just testing whether feedback routing is possible in Carla (it is), and ended up as a bit of fun virtual knob-twiddling. LV2 and VST plugins from the following developers: x42 Airwindows TAL Invada MDA Steve Harris Guitarix Team All of these plugins and the Carla host program are available from the KX Studio repositories: The Carla file (patch?)

The Carla patch is available here.