As previously noted, Shapeulator is a subtractive synth at its core, with a couple added bells & whistles. It is best at percussion, fx sounds, and other weirdness, and isn’t necessarily designed to sound “good” in the traditional sense, though it can do standard VA-style sounds too. This probably just won’t be your first choice for such things.

See the VST page for downloads and audio demos. Note that this one has an installer available to make it easier to get the presets where they need to be.

Been working on something here… this synth uses a non-standard sort of waveshaping/distortion to generate sounds. As with most FSA stuff, the sounds it makes can be pretty ugly. The waveshaping bit can produce aliasing, and no effort has been made to prevent that. Most of the rest of the synth will be familiar to anyone who has used subtractive synthesis: envelopes, filters, etc. The one other novel thing about this unit (to be called the “Shapeulator”) is that there is a resonator before the filter. The resonator uses tuned delays to bolster the sound, and these delays can be modulated to produce chorusing sorts of sounds and other things. Here’s a little sound demo:

Join my Patreon if you would like early access. The synth is mostly done, just needs the GUI finished and presets made. I will be putting an early version without these things up for patrons.

Several years back, I released a VSTi called “Noisebot” under the “synthgeek” name. It was built in SynthEdit in the pre-64 bit days, so has become outdated.  SE can do 64-bit now, but Noisebot relied on some custom modules that aren’t available for the new version. I’ve been missing this one, so I decided to try to recreate it in Reaktor, with some success. There are some differences between this and the old version, but it does the same kinds of noisy things. You can find it on the Reaktor page here, or at NI’s Reaktor User Library.

Added a page for Reaktor stuff, so far just one ensemble, Loid’s Cousin, which is based on Lunetta concepts. The ensemble is also available from the Reaktor User Library.

The ensemble is made up of several individual “modules” that interact with each other. The separate modules are available in individual ensemble form as a download for supporters from my Patreon page.